Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cheltenham - Day 1

After a complete wipeout on Monday, we started the Cheltenham festival with a tremendous day, that want for a couple of places would have been an awesome day. The profit delivered almost completely by Steve Lewis Hamilton who had two winners in Hurricane Fly and Captain Chris which I combined into an e/w double to add another £260+ to my winnings.

Poor start for The Nagman, Northern Monkey, 4PA and Roger Green, however if things had gone slightly differently then they all would've done well - Roger Green particularly unlucky today with Spirit Son and Maljimar who I thought were both going to win!! But that's a 5 point double and max win out of a Yankee knacked though too.

Equine Investments kept the AW attention with a nice 8/1 mention winner.

So bumper first day, will it continue.....

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