Thought I'd pop this graph below onto the blog to show what's happened in the last few days...
Quite spectacular - so much so I double checked my figures to make sure the graph was actually right but the numbers paint a picture on their own;
August as a month down over £1500 so far. Last week took £1,040 off the scores.
So where has it gone wrong this month? Simple really - all tipsters bar Equine Turnover and Northern Monkey have performed abysmally. Diversification is all well and good but doesn't work when pretty everyone is doing badly;
Systematic Betting - the drop made worse by me moving to £20 a point of course. But down 46 points since 1 August on the prices I have managed to get on at. Not overly worried about this as things can turn round quickly but painful nonetheless.
Steve Lewis Hamilton - no winners this month so far and down 6.5 points. Typical SLH summer performance unfortunately.
Equine (Main) - minus 5 points. Turnover service is outperforming the main account this year on the stakes I follow which in itself is interesting.
Football Elite - poor start to the season with 4 losers out of 5 bets so far.
4PA - return to form seemed short lived and winnings earlier this month have turned into a 3 point loss.
It's a short term blip probably and this is a long term game but it's really disappointing to give back so much over such a short period.
I'd be interested to get any thoughts on why people think tipsters are performing so badly in August??
I've got a few posts to do in answer to peoples comments including info about bet banks / why i started etc so will try to get to answer some of these this week.
So - lets get back on the horse and earn some cash this week!!