Monday, June 6, 2011

May Update

It's been a long hard slog getting my spreadsheets up to date after leaving them for a month. Thankfully now complete!!

Well May ended up being an excellent month - putting on a total of £1,981 bringing the year to date total up to a decent £1,415. Finally feels like I'm making some progress. I'll put some thoughts on how things have gone but stats only tonight

Totals for May are as follows;

Steve Lewis Hamilton - £302, +12 points
Equine Main - £360, +14 points
Equine Turnover - £-151, -15 points
Northern Monkey - £149, +15 points
Football Elite - £39, +1.6 points
4PA - £179, +9 points
Systematic - £1,055, +70 points
Mr Gekko - £11, +0.3 points
Others - +£36

So a positive month for all apart from Equine Turnover. It could've been better - year to date peaked at £2,107 on the 24th before dropping back quite sharply after 6 heavy losing days.

Graph YTD here;

More chat tomorrow but thought you might want to see the stats

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